Sharin’ the Blues

Come join the fun
The Macdaddies will be participating in a fund rasier for Katrina suvivors on Friday Oct. 28 at the Foundry. The event will feature : Slow Blind Hill, Jenna and the Joneses, The Mac Daddies, and MightyBlue. Steve Michel of Bluestone will host a blues jam. Presented by Right Track Productions
Oct. 28, 2005, 7 p.m.- 2 a.m.(blues jam 12-2 a.m.)The Foundry,
747 World’s Fair Park Drive.Tickets $10 in advance,
$12 at the door.Can be purchased at Cat’s Music,
Disc Exchange, The Shrimp Dock,and Brackins Blues Club (Maryville)Food prepared by The Shrimp Dock
Sponsors: The Foundry,
The News Sentinel, Broadway Sound,
The Shrimp Dock, Brackins Blues Club,
Track Side Recording, Pick ‘N’ Grin,
Rik’s Music and McKay Books.
The Sharin’ the Blues benefit
concert gives local blues fans a
night of great music and a way to
help New Orleans musicians who
lost their livelihoods to hurricanes
Katrina and Rita.
All ticket sale proceeds will go to
the New Orleans Musicians
Hurricane Relief Fund. There will
also be an auction for great items
donated by our sponsors. Sponsors
or volunteers interested in helping
with the show, call Mike James,
Sharin’ the Blues

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